Printing Non-String Variables to the PSoC UART

Q: How do I print an integer (or other non-string variable) to the PSoC UART?

PSoC 4 Hardware Development Kits

There are several Cypress Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC®) hardware development kits available for use in designs.

PSoC Creator Project Structure

I can’t find my workspace/project in PSoC Creator C files, top design files, etc.

PSoC Hello World Lab

Introduction The purpose of this lab is to get you through the first steps of opening and using PSoC Creator with either your CY8CKIT-042 or CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit for the first time

What is PSoC?

The Cypress Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC®) is a mixed-signal electronic hardware platform that integrates a microcontroller core, programmable analog signal processing blocks, programmable digital hardware blocks, and capacitive touch sensing.