Q: How do I print an integer (or other non-string variable) to the PSoC UART?
There are several Cypress Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC®) hardware development kits available for use in designs. The list below describes strengths of each kit and provides links to documentation.
I can't find my workspace/project in PSoC Creator
The purpose of this lab is to get you through the first steps of opening and using PSoC Creator with either your CY8CKIT-042 or CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit for the first time
In this exercise, you will wire and program an LED to “breathe” on and off (example).
This tutorial continues from where PWM Tutorial 1 left off
The purpose of this tutorial is to apply the “breathing” PWM approach toward a motor driven by an H-Bridge
This tutorial continues from where PWM Tutorial 2 left off
The purpose of this tutorial is to walk you through the steps of using a low-pass filter with a PWM output in order to generate an analog signal.
The Cypress Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC®) is a mixed-signal electronic hardware platform that integrates a microcontroller core, programmable analog signal processing blocks, programmable digital hardware blocks, and capacitive touch sensing. The following is a list of helpful resources for getting started with the PSoC®: