SPI Communication with the SN74HC595 Shift Register using Timers (Part 2)


This tutorial builds off of Part 1. Go Back and start there if you haven’t yet completed it.

SPI Motor Controller (PIC)


This is a basic tutorial for the steps required to get SPI working on the PIC18F47Q10 Curiosity Nano

Timers and Interrupts on an LCD screen with the PIC


The goal of this tutorial is to reintroduce you to the timer subsystem, implement a timer using an interrupt-based design, convert your pushbuttons from prior tutorials to interrupt-based functionality, and verify the results on your LCD.

Timers and Interrupts with the PIC


The goal of this tutorial is to reintroduce you to the timer subsystem, implement a timer using an interrupt-based design, convert your pushbuttons from prior tutorials to interrupt-based functionality, and verify the results over EUSART and with a LED.