Overview of the ESP32 DevKit DOIT V1

Overview See this excellent overview of the ESP32 RX0 / TX0 are used by the onboard silabs USB/serial chip and shouldn’t be used for UART in your project Devkit vs ESP32 module Pinouts / Schematics from https://randomnerdtutorials.

ESP32 Installation and Setup

Install Miniconda and packages You need to use Python on your PC to program the ESP32.

MicroPython Intro

What is Python? The #1 Programming language* Python: 14.2% Matlab: 0.

VSCode Setup and Usage

Installation Download from here Installation Options Accept the default installation path keep “Register Code as an editor for supported file types” checked keep “Add to PATH” checked other options: set to your preference Ubuntu-specific cd ~/Downloads sudo dpkg -i code_1.

Working with Thonny

Menu & Icons File File Menu File –> Open(ctrl+o): If the ESP32 is connected it permits you to open a file either on your computer or from the ESP32’s file space.