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Curiosity Nano & MPLAB Tutorial


Getting familiar with the MPLAB X programming environment to program the PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano development board. In this tutorial, you will learn to set up the general-purpose input/output pins (GPIO), external interrupts (ISR), pulse-width modulation (PWM), as well as the timer module for the PWM.

DC Motors 101

Watch the video mini-lecture on DC motor control from Dr. Jordan

What types of DC motors are most common?

  • Brushed DC motors. Current flowing in one direction makes the motor turn one direction, and current flowing in the opposite direction makes the motor turn the opposite direction.
  • Stepper motors - provide absolute position control but require a special controller IC
  • Servo motors - PWM signal controls the position of the motor

How do I connect a brushed DC motor to a microcontroller?

DC motors are inductive loads and therefore cannot be directly connected to a microcontroller without damaging the microcontroller. There are two protection mechanisms that go into a successful motor interface:

Debugging Code in PSoC Creator


Debugging is a process of systematically double-checking your assumptions, because if everything was correct then it would be working. See below for some common symptoms and possible debugging remedies.

Defining Constraints in Cadence PCB Editor


The PCB mills in Peralta have certain capabilities, so PCBs must be designed with their limitations in mind. The full specs of the machines can be found here: https://peraltastudios.engineering.asu.edu/pcb-mill-specs/

Drawing Software

What is drawing software used for?

Drawing software is used to create diagrams for inclusion in presentations and reports.

Enabling Floating Point Support in PSoC Creator


Floating point math is not enabled by default in PSoC Creator because of the larger memory footprint it imposes on the microcontroller.

Exporting Gerber files from Cadence PCB Editor

What is a Gerber file?

A Gerber file (also known as artwork) is a 2-D graphical representation of a single layer of a PCB. A typical design will have individual Gerber files for each layer (e.g., top copper, bottom copper, top silkscreen, bottom silkscreen, top soldermask, bottom soldermask) of a PCB.

Exporting Gerber files from KiCad PCB Editor


What is a Gerber file?

Gerber file (also known as artwork) is a 2-D graphical representation of a single layer of a PCB. A typical design will have individual Gerber files for each layer (e.g., top copper, bottom copper, top silkscreen, bottom silkscreen, top soldermask, bottom soldermask) of a PCB.

Exporting Solder Mask Layers from Cadence PCB Editor

What is a solder mask?

Solder mask is the thin polymer layer that is applied to a printed circuit board to insulate copper traces from unwanted connections. It is often green, red, or blue, and is put over all parts of a PCB except where components are to be soldered.


This website is developed by Shawn Jordan and Dan Aukes

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