
What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt Chart is a common project management tool that helps teams understand the phases of a project, deadlines, critical paths, and interdependencies between tasks. It is important to gain experience predicting how long tasks take in order to calibrate your time management.

What is a printed circuit board?

A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board made of both conducive and non-conductive materials onto which components can be soldered to create a circuit. The circuit connections are made via copper traces on the board. An example PCB is shown in Figure 1.

Working with Libraries

Working with Libraries - THIS IS A DUPLICATE TUTORIAL

This tutorial details how to add and save a custom library.

Zipping Project Folders

Windows has a ZIP utility built in that you can use to create compressed archives. Assuming you have a workspace with two projects inside (one for timed blinking, the other for the button push), right click on the entire workspace folder, find the "send to" item in the context menu and select compressed folder. That will save everything the grading team will need to check your homework