A finite state machine (FSM) is a way of modeling a system such that there are a limited number of finite “states” that a system can be in, and that it can only be in one of those states at a time. Events (e.g., pushing a button) cause the system to change from one state to the next. Unexpected events do not cause the system to change states, which is useful for ignoring spurious inputs. Rather than coding for every possible input, you can instead code only for inputs that matter at the given time. The following resources provide a solid conceptual framing and implementation examples:
Serial Communication - SPI & Shift Register Tutorial
Getting familiar with the SPI serial communication protocol using MCC under the MPLAB X programming environment to program the PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano development board and control a shift register to drive 8 LEDs on and off. In this tutorial, you will learn to set up the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Shift Registers, and 3 of the major numeral system (decimal, binary, and hexadecimal).
0 ohm resistors act as a through hole jumper wire on manufactured PCBs. Also known as “jumper chips’’ or"jumper leads”, 0 ohm resistors can be substituted for vias to cross over line traces. This is useful for PCBs that have many vias already and PCBs that want to avoid vias altogether. In the PCB industry, using 0 ohm resistors over jumper wires in the design process allows one less specialized tool when assembling the PCB. It is cheaper and more practical to install a jump lead using readily available resistor placing machines over having a separate machine for just placing jumper wires.
Conduct a continuity check on your board with a multimeter.
Say you are out grabbing lunch on behalf of a friend or a fellow student, and their lunch comes with a maximum of two sides for free. When you ask your friend about what sides they want, you may ask them one of the following 4 questions:
Getting familiar with UART on both PIC and Particle platforms. In this tutorial, you will set up the PIC as a black box that will respond to various inputs from the Argon. Utilizing the USB serial bus on the Argon, we can verify the project at the end.
Bitwise operators allow access to individual bits in a variable or register. A typical register or variable is at least 1 byte (8 bits) in size.
GitHub is a programing organization tool that not only can store all your programs nicely but allow you to collaborate with others on the same “repository” (or 304/314 project folder in layman’s terms).