
Creating a Custom DC Barrel Jack Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint in Cadence

Creating a Custom DC Barrel Jack Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint in Cadence (Includes Padstack Tutorial)

Creating a Custom Padstack (old)


padstack is a design for the exposed copper surface area for each hole or pad on the board where the component is mounted and soldered (see example, Figure 1). You may need to create a custom padstack when creating custom parts to ensure that the pad and hole are big enough to be reliable. This tutorial describes the manual creation of custom padstacks using the Pad Designer application.

Drawing Software

What is drawing software used for?

Drawing software is used to create diagrams for inclusion in presentations and reports.

Fork and Set up a Report Website


The purpose of this post is to help you create a report website to for a team project. Sharing your work with the class and the broader community is important, as you should generate a persistent portfolio of class work to demonstrate your abilities when you apply for a job or academic career.

Grow Your Embedded Programming Skills After EGR 304/314

  1. Personal Projects and Education

    1. Arduino Project Hub is where you can learn about what all other beginner or advanced embedded systems designers are building for their own personal needs. By now, most of you may have an Arduino kit from a previous class so the learning doesn’t have to stop after 304/314.

House of Quality

What is a House of Quality, and what is it used for?

The House of Quality diagram is used to translate customer requirements, market research, patent benchmarking, and technical benchmarking into product capabilities that can be targeted in a new product design. It is an integral component of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method for translating qualitative user needs into quantitative requirements.

How to create a footprint for PSoC® 4100S Plus

This walkthrough goes through the process of creating a PSoC® 4100S Plus prototyping board PCB footprint.

How to export a PDF from Capture and PCB Editor


This tutorial goes through how to save CIS schematics and PCB layers as a PDF.