


Cadence schematic tutorials

There are a number of tutorials available for creating schematics in Cadence. The best tutorials are in videos, as the manuals and online help are poor.

Changing the Library Search Path in Cadence Design Entry CIS

Why would I need to change the library search path?

When creating a custom PCB footprint for a component, it is stored somewhere on your computer. In order for Design Entry CIS to find where a custom footprint is stored and associate it with a schematic component, the library search path must be changed so that Design Entry CIS knows where to look.

Creating a custom library in Cadence

In order to use schematic symbols imported from the web or custom created for your project (very common), you must create a custom symbol library in which to save them. It is good practice to create a custom library for each project that you work on to save your schematic symbols. To create a custom library, do the following:

Creating a custom schematic symbol in Cadence


In most designs, some components will not be available in built-in libraries. The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to make a custom schematic symbol that can be used in the design of schematics in Cadence.

Creating a new project in Cadence

Creating a new project in Cadence

  1. In Windows, open the Design Entry CIS program. This program allows you to edit schematics, and will be used to export a netlist describing your schematic into the PCB Editor.

Updating Library Parts in Cadence


Why do I need to update my parts?

As you start to learn schematic and PCB design, you will have to learn to make your own symbols and footprints for your components. Because of this, there is a chance that you accidentally mislabel or misread a data sheet and add a wrong pin/connection. Designs are also constantly being updated and revised.