Designing PCBs

Adding Text to a Layout in Cadence PCB Editor

Introduction Text is important on PCB layouts to identify the designers, project, version, components, etc.

Altering Trace Widths in Cadence

Background Why do I need to change my trace widths? As you start to learn schematic and PCB design, you will have to learn how to alter your trace widths on boards.

ASU PCB Mill Specs

Please see this link

Changing a Hole Diameter in Cadence PCB Editor

Why would you need to change the hole diameter? The default diameter of holes in Cadence is 0.

Changing the Default Via Padstack in Cadence PCB Editor

Introduction A via is an electrical interconnection that connects one layer of a PCB to another layer of a PCB.

Changing the Library Search Path in Cadence PCB Editor

Why would I need to change the library search path? When creating a custom PCB footprint for a component, it is stored somewhere on your computer.

Creating a Board Outline in Cadence PCB Editor

What is a board outline? A board outline is the outermost boundary of a printed circuit board design.

Creating a Ground Plane in Cadence PCB Editor

What is a ground plane? A ground plane is a large area of copper in a printed circuit board design that is connected to ground on the power supply.