Using GitHub to Manage Project Files

GitHub is a programing organization tool that not only can store all your programs nicely but allow you to collaborate with others on the same “repository” (or 304/314 project folder in layman’s terms).

In this video, you will be walked through how to set up a GitHub repository for your team, how to set up individual branches for each team member, and how to utilize GitHub Desktop to easily contribute changes you make to a file on your computer through the app, and then online to the main branch. While the video works with an Arduino file and IDE, GitHub can also manage C/C++ files and work with the PSoC and MPLAB IDE’s as well. All that matters is that you are editing the files located in your local “GitHub” folder, which is linked to the GitHub Desktop app on it’s own. Editing files outside the GitHub folder linked to the desktop app cannot be pushed through the app to the online repository.

As mentioned in the video, GitHub can be a weird transition and hard to follow. Always reach out for help from the teaching staff if you need it, and feel free to YouTube videos on how to use GitHub. Good luck!

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