Sources for Electrical and Electromechanical Components

Professional Distributors

These distributors are often used by professionals in industry, and provide the most complete selection of different parts.

Hobbyist and Surplus Distributors

These suppliers generally offer lower prices for components, but may not have data sheets for everything they sell. Do not buy parts without a data sheet.

Component Manufacturers

Here’s a list of popular manufacturers and the types of components that they manufacture. Most of these companies offer free samples of parts to students working on design projects. Even if you’re not sure you will use one of their parts, it’s better to order samples anyway so that you have options if other plans do not work. Instructables also has a larger list of companies that offer free samples.

  • Analog Devices- analog switch ICs, data converters, amplifiers and linear, RF ICs, power management, MEMS and sensors, processors and DSP. Samples.
  • Cypress - automotive, clocks and buffers, interfacing, lighting and power control, memory, programmable system-on-a-chip, touch sensing, USB, wireless. Samples.
  • Maxim Integrated - amplifiers and comparators, analog switches and multiplexers, audio, automotive, clock, data converters, digital potentiometers, energy measurement and metering, filters, interfacing, LED and LCD lighting and displays, memory, micro controllers, optoelectronics, power and battery management, power line networking, protection and isolation, real-time clocks, security, sensors, storage, voltage supervisors, thermal management, video, voltage references, wireless. Samples.
  • Microchip - microcontrollers, analog, interfacing, wireless, memory. Samples.
  • NXP Semiconductors - microcontrollers, discrete and logic, near-field communication, interface and connectivity, media and audio processing, power management, radio frequency (RF), sensors, automotive. Samples.
  • On Semiconductor - discrete, power management, logic, signal management
  • Texas Instruments - amplifiers and linear, audio, automotive, clocks and timers, data converters, interfacing, logic, power management, digital signal processing (DSP), micro controllers, analog switches and multiplexers, temperature sensors, wireless. Samples.



Hobbyist Development Platforms

Motors & Motor Drivers

Brushless Motors

Servo Motors


Force-Sensitive Resistors


Load Cells