PSoC Hello World Lab


The purpose of this lab is to get you through the first steps of opening and using PSoC Creator with either your CY8CKIT-042 or CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit for the first time


  1. Open PSoC Creator

    Open PSoC Creator
    Open PSoC Creator

  2. Select “Create a new Project” in the Start Page

    Create New Project
    Create New Project

  3. Select Project Type

    1. Select “Target Device”, select PSOC 4, and then scroll down to “launch device selector…”

    Select Device
    Select Device

  4. In the device selection window, scroll down and look for the device you are using. You will have to look at the chip on your board. For the Pioneer Kit, this is the black chip in the center of the board. For the BLE version, this is the diagonal black chip on the daughter board. The chip is noted in the white silkscreen layer directly below it. For the most recent versions purchased in the class, these correspond to:

    • PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit: CY8C4245AXI-483
    • PSoC 4 BLE Kit: CY8C4248LQI-BL583

    Pioneer Chip Location
    Pioneer Chip Location

    Pioneer BLE Chip Location
    Pioneer BLE Chip Location

    Device Selector
    Device Selector

  5. Once you have selected the right part, click “next”

    Select Next
    Select Next

  6. Select “Empty Schematic”

    Empty Schematic
    Empty Schematic

  7. In the next window, define a new Workspace (something like “EGR304-ICC2”). Name your project (something like “flash-led”). Wait for the workspace to open and populate with your “top design”.

    Name your workspace and project
    Name your workspace and project

  8. In the “Component Catalog” window on the right of the screen, open up “Ports and Pins” and select “Digital Output Pin”. Drag the item into the “schematic view” in the middle of your screen

    Select “Digital Output”
    Select “Digital Output”

    Drag to schematic
    Drag to schematic

  9. Zoom in on the pin component and double-click to configure it. A dialog will pop open. Rename the pin to “Pin_Red”. Deselect “HW Connection” checkbox. (This allows this setting to be controlled by software rather than be “hard coded”). Accept changes by clicking “ok”.

    Configure digital output
    Configure digital output

  10. Scroll to the “Workspace Explorer” on the left side of PSoC Creator. This window shows resources available to the project. Click on the “pins” icon to further configure the input/output (i/o) pins

    Configure Pins
    Configure Pins

  11. Map the “Pin_Red” digital output you just configured to a physical pin of the device. In the right hand side of the window, a tab named “pins” can be seen. Click the port column of the “Pin_Red” row to set the physical pin you plan to use.

    • In the Pioneer Kit, this pin is P1[6].
    • In the Pioneer BLE Kit, this is P2[6].

    Pioneer Pin
    Pioneer Pin

    BLE Pin
    BLE Pin

    Map Pins
    Map Pins

  12. From the workspace explorer window, click on “main.c” to open it

    Click on main.c
    Click on main.c

  13. Once it opens, add the code shown below inside the for(;;) brackets to toggle the LED pin once every half second. The below code reads the pin’s current value and writes its inverse back to the pin, followed by a 500ms delay.

    Pin_Red_Write(~Pin_Red_Read()); //toggle pin state
    CyDelay(500); //system delay of 500ms

Add Code
Add Code

  1. Press the “Program” button on the PSoC Creator toolbar to build the project and program your kit. In the Debug type window, you may need to select “port acquire” and then select the PSoC and select ok

    Program Button
    Program Button

    It should look like this
    It should look like this

    Port Acquire
    Port Acquire

    Port Acquire 2
    Port Acquire 2

  2. If this is the first time programming your kit, you may get a message asking you during debug target selection to upgrade firmware. If this happens:

    Upgrade Firmware Message
    Upgrade Firmware Message

    a. Close the “debug selection” popup and, from the start menu, open “PSoC Programmer” (Start –> “PSoC Programmer”). You should get a similar message.

    PSoC Programmer
    PSoC Programmer

    Programmer Firmware Message
    Programmer Firmware Message

    a. click ok and switch to the firmware tab. Select “update firmware” and follow the instructions

    Upgrade Firmware
    Upgrade Firmware

    a. once complete, close PSoC Programmer

    Finished Flashing
    Finished Flashing

    a. Press the “Program” button on the PSoC Creator toolbar to build the project and program your kit. In the Debug type window, you may need to select “port acquire” and then select the PSoC and select ok

    It should look like this
    It should look like this

    Port Acquire
    Port Acquire

    Port Acquire 2
    Port Acquire 2

  3. The progam will then compile. The results of the build and program operation will appear in the “Output” area at the bottom of the PSoC Creator IDE. Once programmed, the red LED on the kit should start blinking at a 1 Hz rate, at 50% duty cycle.
