Bluetooth Connection Issues

Q: I have tried to connect the Cypress CySmart software to the USB dongle but it does not work. Help!

A: Try the troubleshooting steps on the Fixing Connection Issues between the Cypress CySmart Software and the CY5670 USB Dongle page.

Q: After clicking on Build BLE Lab 2, I get the errors in the picture. I have replaced the parts with new ones and still getting the same error. Please advise.

Lab 2 errors
Lab 2 errors

A: Right click your active project, choose Update Components from the contextual menu and follow the prompts (see below).

Update Components
Update Components

Q: Every time I try to build and program Lab 3, it gives me the following errors:


A: You can fix this error by renaming both the ADC and the opamp in the top design. Name them what they are called in the lab 3 module.