How to create a footprint for PSoC® 4100S Plus

This walkthrough goes through the process of creating a PSoC® 4100S Plus prototyping board PCB footprint.

  1. The dimensions below will help you build the PSoC**®** 4100S Plus footprint. Open “PCB editor.”
  • Lead pitch (row-to-row spacing) = 100 mils (2.54 mm OR 0.1 in)

  • Terminal row spacing (pin-to-pin spacing) = 800 mils (20.32 mm OR 0.8 in)

  • Package (Board) width = 960 mils (24.384 mm OR 0.96 in)

  • Package (Board) length = 5000 mils (127 mm OR 5 in)

  • It is optional and recommended to reference its mechanical design dimensions from the ZIP file (i.e., CY8CKIT-149 Design which is located on the CY8CKIT-149 website.

  1. Choose File > New... The "New Drawing" window appears (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: “New Drawing” window
Figure 1: “New Drawing” window

  1. In the "New Drawing" window (see Figure 1), click "Browse..." and select the location of your cadence PCB project folder. Then, enter a drawing name of your choice. Do not use spaces in the drawing name. Choose a "Drawing Type" of "Package symbol(wizard)" and click OK to return to the empty drawing window.

  2. After clicking OK the window will open. Choose DIP as shown below in Figure 2, then click Next.

Figure 2: Package Type
Figure 2: Package Type

  1. Next, you need to choose “Load Template” as highlighted in Figure 3 and click next.

Figure 3: Template Page
Figure 3: Template Page

  1. Leave the general parameters default as shown in Figure 4 and click next.

Figure 4: General Parameters
Figure 4: General Parameters

  1. Next, choose the DIP parameters as shown below in Figure 5. These dimensions are based upon the mechanical design dimensions (see step 1) and a couple found using a caliper.

Figure 5: DIP parameters
Figure 5: DIP parameters

  1. Choose the padstack, “pad65cir41d”, by clicking the box highlighted in green in Figure 6. [NOTE: pad65cir41d.pad is a padstack with an outer copper ring diameter of 65 mils, and a center hole diameter of 41 mils.]

Figure 6: Padstack selection
Figure 6: Padstack selection

  1. Leave the default Symbol compilation settings as they are and push next.

  2. Push finish on the next page to finish the package.

  3. Once you have finished using the package wizard, you should have a package that looks like Figure 8. You will need to move the geometry down until you get a package that fits the package geometry of the actual PSoC4100S (see Figure 9). To move the box, click on the box and click the “Move” tool (see Figure 7) then grab the rectangular boxes then drag each one down. There should be 3 boxes to move the one behind the other two boxes down, move the top two boxes to the side.

Figure 7: Move tool highlighted in yellow
Figure 7: Move tool highlighted in yellow

Figure 8: Package after finishing package wizard
Figure 8: Package after finishing package wizard

Figure 9: Finished package after moving down geometry
Figure 9: Finished package after moving down geometry

  1. After you have successfully moved your package geometry, you can now save your design. You have successfully modeled the PSoC4100S footprint in Cadence.