
Hello and welcome to the embedded systems design website.



Configuring Cadence (Apporto)

Before using Cadence, configure it for optimal performance by following the instructions below.

Configuring Cadence (Standalone Installation)

Before using Cadence, configure it for optimal performance by following the instructions below.

Configuring the UART on PSoC

What is a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)? UART is one serial protocol used for communicating data between two digital devices (e.

Connecting to the PSoC

Q: Help! My computer won’t connect properly to the PSoC. (insert one of several error messages here - KitProg version not expected, upgrade the firmware)

Connectors 101

What is a connector? A connector is an electrical component that links two or more components together.

Creating a Board Outline in Cadence PCB Editor

What is a board outline? A board outline is the outermost boundary of a printed circuit board design.

Creating a Custom DC Barrel Jack Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint in Cadence

Creating a Custom DC Barrel Jack Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint in Cadence (Includes Padstack Tutorial)

Creating a custom library in Cadence

In order to use schematic symbols imported from the web or custom created for your project (very common), you must create a custom symbol library in which to save them.

Creating a Custom Padstack (old)

Introduction A padstack is a design for the exposed copper surface area for each hole or pad on the board where the component is mounted and soldered (see example, Figure 1).

Creating a custom padstack in Cadence

Introduction A padstack is a design for the exposed copper surface area for each hole or pad on the board where the component is mounted and soldered (see example, Figure 1).


This website is developed by Shawn Jordan and Dan Aukes

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