As you start to learn schematic and PCB design, you will have to learn how to alter your trace widths on boards. There are several different reasons that we have difference trace widths on boards. The specifications of traces for digital signals and power traces will be different. Therefore, we must change the widths of the traces on our boards. For more information about the importance of trace widths, you can read more here.
Quick-Start Tutorial from Altium
This video provides excellent resources for starting a project, creating a schematic, and selecting symbols from the manufacturers, similar to Cadence and their Ultra Library. They then made the PCB from that schematic. Lastly, they also showed how to create the Gerber Files and have the project ready to manufacture.
The following video shows our PCB manufacturing process.
Q: I have tried to connect the Cypress CySmart software to the USB dongle but it does not work. Help!
Open PSoC Creator and selct file –> Code Example… from the top menu.
Open PSoC Creator and selct file –> Code Example… from the top menu.
A bypass capacitor (aka “filter cap”) is a small capacitor that dampens electrical noise moving toward an IC. Electrical noise can cause circuit malfunctions. Unless otherwise specified in the data sheet of an IC, a 0.1 µF non-polarized ceramic capacitor usually makes a good bypass capacitor.
After having started working on a PCB layout, sooner or later you will likely find changes need to be made to your original schematic. Fortunately, you do not need to start the PCB design over as a result! Forward annotation allows you to essentially export changes made in your schematic into an existing layout, and here is how to do this in Cadence.