Getting familiar with UART on both PIC and Particle platforms. In this tutorial, you will set up the PIC as a black box that will respond to various inputs from the Argon. Utilizing the USB serial bus on the Argon, we can verify the project at the end.
As you start to learn schematic and PCB design, you will have to learn to make your own symbols and footprints for your components. Because of this, there is a chance that you accidentally mislabel or misread a data sheet and add a wrong pin/connection. Designs are also constantly being updated and revised.
Bitwise operators allow access to individual bits in a variable or register. A typical register or variable is at least 1 byte (8 bits) in size.
GitHub is a programing organization tool that not only can store all your programs nicely but allow you to collaborate with others on the same “repository” (or 304/314 project folder in layman’s terms).
How to manually create a footprint using the KiCad footprint editor
How to create a footprint using the footprint wizart for standard footprints and shapes
install pymakr preview
code --install-extension Pycom.pymakr-preview
select “create project”. Select the same code folder as above and specify a project name (like “hello-world”). Select the option to create a subdirectory with the micropython folder.
You can use VCC (power) and GND (ground) symbols to connect power and ground instead of manually routing wires across your schematic. This is a common technique used by professional engineers to improve the readability of schematics.
Version control (sometimes called source control) keeps track of changes to files over time. Multiple users can edit the same projects. Some platforms that support version control are GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and Google Drive.
Create an account on GitHub by going to and signing up. Once complete, click the profile circle on the top right. Most navigation items can be found through the pull down menu. Download a Git CLI, preferably (Git for Windows)[], however, GitHub provides a CLI that is recently out of beta GitHub CLI.