I can't find my workspace/project in PSoC Creator
The purpose of this lab is to get you through the first steps of opening and using PSoC Creator with either your CY8CKIT-042 or CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit for the first time
If you make changes to your design while in PCB Editor (for example, swapping a footprint), you must back annotate (meaning, push changes) from the PCB design back into your original schematic. By doing this update, future changes to the schematic can be forward annotated (meaning, pushed forward) to your PCB design without having to start over from scratch.
In this exercise, you will wire and program an LED to “breathe” on and off (example).
This tutorial continues from where PWM Tutorial 1 left off
The purpose of this tutorial is to apply the “breathing” PWM approach toward a motor driven by an H-Bridge
This tutorial continues from where PWM Tutorial 2 left off
The purpose of this tutorial is to walk you through the steps of using a low-pass filter with a PWM output in order to generate an analog signal.
This tutorial takes you through recreating a basic round thru-hole padstack.
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