
Hello and welcome to the embedded systems design website.



Printing a PCB Layout in Cadence PCB Editor

Note: This tutorial shows how to print a PCB design on paper.

Printing Non-String Variables to the PSoC UART

Q: How do I print an integer (or other non-string variable) to the PSoC UART?

PSoC 4 Hardware Development Kits

There are several Cypress Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC®) hardware development kits available for use in designs.

PSoC Creator Project Structure

I can’t find my workspace/project in PSoC Creator C files, top design files, etc.

PSoC Hello World Lab

Introduction The purpose of this lab is to get you through the first steps of opening and using PSoC Creator with either your CY8CKIT-042 or CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit for the first time

Pullup/Pulldown resistors

What are pullup resistors? Pull-up These are resistors used to pull a volage on a specific pin high.

Pushing PCB changes back to a schematic in Cadence

Why would I need to back annotate a design? If you make changes to your design while in PCB Editor (for example, swapping a footprint), you must back annotate (meaning, push changes) from the PCB design back into your original schematic.

Python Basics

Python Basics Data Types Really Basic int, float, bool, complex

Recreating a simple round padstack

Recreating a simple round padstack This tutorial takes you through recreating a basic round thru-hole padstack.

Report Formatting Instructions

Introduction Formatting is important. It makes documents more legible and helps direct the reader to more easily find the information they want, through consistency of styling and predictable flow.


This website is developed by Shawn Jordan and Dan Aukes

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