Symbol Creation




  1. Open up KiCad (start –> KiCad) and select the Symbol Editor

    Open Symbol Editor
    Open Symbol Editor

  2. If this is the first time running the symbol editor, you will be asked to configure the global symbol library table. Select the default option.

    Configure Global Symbol Library Table
    Configure Global Symbol Library Table

  3. Select File–>New Library

    Step 2
    Step 2

  4. When you start a new library, a popup window asks if the library will be global or project table entry. Global should be chosen.

    Select Library Type
    Select Library Type

    Note: Custom libraries must be copied as “new project table entries” into the project folder after being fully populated but before archiving.

  5. Give the library a name unique to yourself

    Name your library
    Name your library

  6. In the main editor, create a new symbol

    Create new symbol
    Create new symbol

  7. Fill in Symbol information

    Fill in Symbol Info
    Fill in Symbol Info

  8. Create a rectangle

    Create a Rectangle
    Create a Rectangle

  9. Place the rectangle in the working area. It doesn’t have to be precise yet.

    Place Rectangle
    Place Rectangle

  10. Create a Pin to go along the bottom of the part (similar to its package)

    Create a Pin
    Create a Pin

  11. Fill in Pin information, including pin name, number, type, and orientation. Refer to the datasheet.

    1. For example, pin one should be an “input” pin

      Pin 1
      Pin 1

    2. Pin 2 is a voltage out pin type

      Pin 2
      Pin 2

    3. Pin 3 is a voltage input type

      Pin 3
      Pin 3

  12. Finally, adjust pins and boxes to get the final look and feel of the device. Select the parts you wish to move, right click and select “move” (or type “m”)

    Adjust Pins and Box
    Adjust Pins and Box

  13. Save and Close.