Generating a Netlist


A Netlist is essentially a file containing information regarding connections between the components on a schematic. Information regarding the components such as their reference designators and pin numbers are also included in this file. This file provides a map of all the parts on a schematic and their wired connections, which is than used to lay out a PCB.


  1. Open the adjustable voltage circuit which passed the ERC used in the previous tutorial.

    Previous Schematic
    Previous Schematic

  2. In the Schematic Editor go To File-> Export and select Netlist.

Open Netlist
Open Netlist

  1. You will be met with the screen below giving you options to make the Netlist for a variety of PCB designing tools. For the purpose of this class keep the KiCad tab selected, click on Export Netlist.

Export Netlist
Export Netlist

  1. A screen will appear which allows you to save the Netlist file. Save the file to the project directory of the current project. You are now ready to start working in PCB Editor.

Save Netlist File
Save Netlist File