Installing Cadence


System Requirements

  • PC: Windows 10 (64-bit) Professional, Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, or greater (Hardware and Software Requirements). Note that Cadence does not support Windows 10 Starter nor Home Basic.
  • Mac: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 or greater running on Boot Camp or Parallels

Before Installing

  1. Install and connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN client. This will be necessary for connecting to ASU’s license server

    1. Go to and sign in.
    2. Download and install the anyconnect program
    3. Once you’ve installed the ASU VPN client, launch it and specify the server: and click “connect”
    4. In the 2nd password field, type “push”. this will send a push notification to your default 2fa (two-factor authentication) app. Accept it to continue logging in.


  1. Go to Canvas and find the Pages tab.
  2. Download Cadence from the link provided. The installer is ~14 GB so make sure you are using high-speed Internet at home or on campus.
  3. Right-click the zip file and select “Extract All…” to decompress the installer. You can delete the ZIP file after it is decompressed.
  4. Open the unzipped folder and double-click setup.exe to initiate the installation.
  5. The “Cadence OrCAD and Allegro 22.1” window appears. Click the “Install” button next to “OrCAD and Allegro Products Installation”.
    Install Screen
    Install Screen
  6. Leave the settings on the “Installation Settings” screen as-is and click “Custom Installation”.
    Installation Settings Screen
    Installation Settings Screen
  7. In the “Custom Settings” screen, select the products shown below:
    Custom Settings Screen
    Custom Settings Screen
  8. In the “Input License Details screen”, set the Port Number fo 5280 and the Host Name to .
    Input License Details Screen
    Input License Details Screen
    . Then, click Install. It may take several hours for the installation to complete.
  9. After the installation is finished, go back to the unzipped folder and open the Hotfix_SPB22.10.006 folder. Double-click setup.exe to install the hotfix. It may take up to an hour for the hotfix installation to complete.
  10. Make sure you are connected to the VPN (see “Before Installing” above). Then, confirm that Cadence and the HotFix have installed correctly by launching Start > Cadence PCB 2022 > Capture CIS 2022. This program allows you to model electronic schematics. The version number should be 22.1-2022-S006.
  11. Follow the Configuring Cadence instructions to configure and optimize Cadence for the ASU Polytechnic engineering programs.

Using Cadence On Campus

  • Cadence is available in the following computer labs at ASU: PRLTA 103, PRLTA 109, and PRLTA 117.
  • You can also use Cadence on campus when connected to the ASU wifi network.

Using Cadence in On Campus Housing or Off Campus

In order to use Cadence on your computer either in on-campus housing or off campus, you must have two-factor authentication enabled on your account (instructions) and connect to the ASU VPN prior to launching Cadence. This allows Cadence to connect to the ASU license server.

Fixing the Cadence License Server

ASU changes where the license server is hosted yearly, and so you need to edit where Cadence looks for your license. Here’s the steps:

  1. Using the Cadence License Client Configuration Tool

This is the overall easiest solution:

 Open the Cadence License Client Configuration Tool
    This can be found by search on Windows (clicking the magnifying glass or the Windows logo, or pressing the windows key) through the term "License Client".
    Alternatively, you can navigate to your Cadence installation (Usually ```..\Cadence\SPB_17.4-silent\```, and navigating to the "Licensing" folder) and opening "LicenseClientConfiguration.exe".
Change your current license address (It should be ```5280@enlicense3.fulton.asu```.edu, or something like that) to `````` 
Click Next. The environment variable should update.

If the above steps don’t work (you receive an error), you need to manually change the environment variable:

  1. Manually editing your environment variable

    Navigate to the “Advanced” tab of your “System Properties” window by either going to Windows Start Menu->Settings->System->About->“Advanced System Settings” (On the right)->Advanced (in the new window that appears), or by searching for “environment variable” in the start menu. Click on “Environment Variables” at the bottom of the window. Navigate to your “CDS_LIC_FILE” Environment Variable, and click “Edit.” Change the “Variable value” to

Most Common Errors

Q: What if I don’t have enough hard drive space to install Cadence on my computer?


  1. Free space on your hard drive
  2. Use an external hard drive on your computer to move other files off of C:\ to make space for Cadence. Cadence will only run properly off of C:\.
  3. Use Cadence in the cloud via Apporto Virtual Lab
  4. Use Cadence on the computers in PRLTA 103/109/117

Q: During installation, I get an error about a potential Trojan horse. What should I do?

A: Right click on the installer and click “Run as administrator”.

Q: During installation, the installer fails because it cannot find a file. What should I do?

A: Make sure to unzip the file to a folder before running setup.exe. Also make sure that there are no spaces in the folder path that in which the installer is located.

Q: What is the right license server for Cadence 2022?