EGR304 Software Install


You will need to install all of the software listed below on any personal computers you plan to use this semester. Most of the software below is for Windows. If you have a Mac, you can use Parallels to run Windows apps.


Name Link notes
.net 3.5 framework SP1 download
direct link
visual c 2013 x86 redistributable download
direct link


Name Link Notes
Kicad download
Cadence download SPB22.10.004 (Base Release + 12-May Hotfix)
available at
Altium Designer download will be available at in Fall 2024

304 Programming Tools

Name Link notes
PSOC Creator download
PSOC Programmer$^*$ download
AIROC™ Bluetooth® Connect App 1.3 CySmart download 1.3

$^*$ this may install alongside psoc creator...

  1. Create an account with Infineon
  2. Download and install PSoC Creator
    1. Choose Typical Installation
    2. Once the install completes, select run updater (help–>update manager) from PSoC Creator and update all packages


Name Link Notes
Solidworks download
Autodesk fusion 360 download

Graphics, Vector Drawings and PDF support

Name Link Notes
Inkscape download
Adobe Creative Cloud (Acrobat, Premiere Pro, Illustrator) ASU provided.
Microsoft print to pdf feature built-in

General Purpose Tools

Name Link Notes
Arduino download
7-zip download
firefox download
grepwin download
LibreCAD download
Microscope software Software for the microscopes in PRLTA 103
Microsoft Office
Notepad++ download
Putty download
Tracker download