Drawing Software

What is drawing software used for?

Drawing software is used to create diagrams for inclusion in presentations and reports.

Title Description Availability
Inkscape Recommended . Open source drawing program which can produce professional vector drawings in many formats Open source
Draw.Io Recommended. Add-on to google drive documents, free http://draw.io
Google Drawings Recommended . Cloud-based collaborative diagramming app available in Google Drive
LucidChart cloud-based collaborative diagramming app ASU has a site license if you use your ASU google account.  Or get an Education Account
Visio Vector-based drawing program Available for download here via Microsoft OnTheHub (formerly Dreamspark). Microsoft Visio 2013 Viewer available from Microsoft
Powerpoint Recommended .  Can save Drawings as .png Can be purchased as part of Office Suite.  Also available on ASU computers
Adobe Illustrator Professional Vector-based Drawing Software. Available at myapps.asu.edu
Draftsight Free AutoCAD clone, for dxf/dwg editing only Free here , requires registering
CorelDraw Professional Vector-based Drawing Software Available in Innovation Hub (for laser cutting). Must be purchased otherwise.