Curiosity Nano & MPLAB Tutorial


Getting familiar with the MPLAB X programming environment to program the PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano development board. In this tutorial, you will learn to set up the general-purpose input/output pins (GPIO), external interrupts (ISR), pulse-width modulation (PWM), as well as the timer module for the PWM.


1. Create Your First Project

  1. After finish installing the MPLAB X IDE, you can plug the USB mini cable into the Curiosity USB debugging port. Once you plug the USB to your PC, a green LED will light up. This indicates the Curiosity board has been powered up.

  2. To create a new project, go to “File” - “New Project” - select “Standalone Project” - and click “**Next \ **”

  3. Select Device as “PIC16F18446” and click “**Next \ **”

  4. If you have your Curiosity Nano connected to your PC, the serial number of the device will show up.

    Select the serial number of your Curiosity board and click “Next \ .”

  5. Now you will have to select a compiler for the MPLAB X. If you haven’t installed Microchip XC8 Compiler, you can install it by clicking the “Download Latest.”

  6. Once the XC8 compiler has been installed, select the “XC8” as the compiler for this project.

  7. The last step is to give a name to your first project as well as the location where you want to put your project.

2. Install MPLAB Code Configurator

Once you have all MPLAB X IDE installed, you can install the MPLAB Code Configurator

  1. Select “Plugins” under “Tools”

  1. Select the second tab (“Available Plugins”) and check the “MPLAB Code Configurator.”

    Click “Install” to install this plugin.

  1. Once the Code Configurator has been installed, you can open it by clicking “Tools” - “Embedded”.

3. Getting Familiar with Code Configurator

The screenshot above is the layout of the main page of the Code Configurator
The screenshot above is the layout of the main page of the Code Configurator

  • Pin Manager (Blue Area)

    Configure the direction (Input/Output), external interrupt, and PWM of GPIO pins in this area.

  • Available Device Resources (Red Area)

    Peripherals (UART, PWM, I2C, SPI, etc) that available to the microcontroller.

  • Used Resources (Yellow Area)

    The peripherals have been added/used in the microcontroller.

  • Resources Setups/ Register Setup (Blue Area)

    The detailed register set up for the selected peripheral.

  • Code Generate Button (Pink Button)

4. Lab Tutorials

In this lab, you will turn on and off the onboard LED (LED0) by using a GPIO pin on the Curiosity.

Required Hardware: Curiosity Nano

4.1.1 Code Configurator Setup

  1. From Curiosity Nano Hardware User Guide, we know that the onboard LED has been routed to pin RA2.

  2. Double Click Pin Module under Project Resources.

  3. Lock the Port A - Pin 2 to GPIO - Output.

  4. Click the Generate button to generate code for the GPIO module.

    The Code Configurator setup for Lab 4.1 should look like this:

Setting up the RA2 as GPIO output pin
Setting up the RA2 as GPIO output pin

4.1.2 MCC (Microchip Code Configurator) Generated Files and Main.c

  1. Go back to Projects, you will see two subfolders called MCC Generated Files under both Header Files and Source Files. These folders contain the generated code, functions, and macros by MCC (Microchip Code Configurator).

  2. The list of MCC generated functions or macro could be found at the header files. (A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions to be shared between several source files.)

  3. Since we only use GPIO as our peripheral, we can double click the “pin_manager.h” and see all the macros that MCC generated for us.

  4. To enable the onboard LED, we can use the following macros (also highlighted at the screenshot below):

Macros Purpose of the Macro
IO_RA2_SetHigh() Set pin RA2 as logic High
IO_RA2_SetLow() Set pin RA2 as logic Low
IO_RA2_Toggle() Set pin RA2 opposite to the previous logic state
  1. Go back to the “main.c” and use the macros inside the main function.

    You can also add a delay function in order to see the on and off transition of the LED.

    IO_RA2_SetHigh(); //Set RA2 (LED0) to logic high, turn on
    __delay_ms(1000); //delay
    IO_RA2_SetLow();  //Set RA2 (LED0) to logic low, turn off

    Now your main function should look something like this:

    Main.c for Lab 4.1
    Main.c for Lab 4.1

  2. Click the Hammer button ( ) to compile the project. If you see “Build Successful”, then you can flash the program to the microcontroller by clicking the Run main project button ( .)

In this lab, we will learn how to blink the external LEDs using pin RC1 and RC3 from the Curiosity Nano.

Required Hardware: Curiosity Nano, Breadboard, 220 Ohm resistors x2, Green LED x2

4.2.1 Hardware Setup

  1. Place headers on all ground (GND) pins of the Curiosity Nano. Connect the GND pin to the negative rail on the breadboard using a jumper cable.

  2. Place header on both pin RC1 and RC3.

  3. Place the first 220 Ohm resistors to RC1 and then place the second 220 Ohm resistor to RC3. (What is a current limiting resistor?*)

  4. Connect the Anode of the LED to the resistor. Connect the Cathode to Ground.

    A simplified schematic for the Hardware Setup for this Lab.

    The Hardware Setup for Lab 4.2 should look like this:

Lab 4.2 Hardware Setup

4.2.2 Code Configurator Setup

  1. Open Pin Manager: Grid View, lock both Port C - Pin 1 and Port C - Pin 3 to GPIO - Output.

  1. Click the Generate button to generate code for GPIO module.

4.2.3 GPIO Setup

  1. Go back to Project, open “pin_manager.h”. You can see macros for IO_RC1 and IO_RC3 has been generated and ready for use.

4.2.4 Lab Activity

Can you write a program in “Main.c” and make the external LEDs blink in sequence?

4.3 Setting Up PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)

In this lab, we will set up PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) on the Curiosity board and create a breathing LED effect.

Required Hardware: Curiosity Nano

4.3.1 Code Configurator Setup

  1. Under Device Resources, add PWM6 module to Project Resources.

    PWM Setup Page

  2. Under the Notification [MCC], the warning tells us to configure Timer2 for the PWM6 module.

  3. Find **TMR2 (**Timer 2) under the Device Resources and add TMR2 as peripherals.

  4. Change the Clock Source to FOSC/4. Keep the Prescaler and Postscaler as 1:1.

    Setting the TMR2 (Timer 2) Clock Source as “FOSC/4”

  5. Go back to Pin Manager: Grid View. Now you will see two extra rows. One of them is the PWM6 module, and the other one is the TMR2 (Timer 2) module. Lock the Port A - Pin 2 to PWM6 row.

    Setting the PWM6 to Port A - Pin 2
    Setting the PWM6 to Port A - Pin 2

  6. Click Generate button to generate code for both PWM and Timer module.

4.3.2 PWM Duty Cycle Setup

  1. Go back to Project, you should be able to see pwm6.h, tmr2.h, pwm6.c, and tmr2.c have been generated. Open “pwm6.h”, scroll down and you can find there’s a custom function named PWM6_LoadDutyValue.

    PWM6_LoadDutyValue allows you to change the PWM duty cycle.

    The Custom Function “PWM6_LoadDutyValue” at “pwm6.h”
    The Custom Function “PWM6_LoadDutyValue” at “pwm6.h”

  2. According to the datasheet of the PIC16F18446, we know that the resolution of the PWM can go up to 10-bit resolution. Therefore, the total number of PWM steps can be calculated as follows:

    ${2^{10}\ = \ 1024}^{}\text{steps}$

    In this case, we can calculate and get the PWM module outputting at 50% duty cycle.

    ${50%\ Duty\ Cycle\ = \ 1024\ \times 50% = \ 512}^{}$

    From the coding standpoint, we can use the following code to achieve a 50% PWM duty cycle to RA2 pin:

    PWM6_LoadDutyValue(512); // 50% duty cycle for PWM

4.3.3 Make an LED Breathe

  1. The idea of making LED breathing is to dim the LED with different PWM duty cycle.

    Try following code in your Main.c program:

    for (int i = 0; i<1024; i++) // increase duty cycle to 100%
    for (int i = 1023; i>= 0; i--)// decrease duty cycle to 0%
  2. Click the Hammer button ( ) to compile the project. If you see “Build Successful”, then you can flash the program to the microcontroller by clicking the Run main project button ( .)

4.4 Button Controlled LED

In this lab, we will learn about the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) and use ISR to light up the onboard LED.

Required Hardware: Curiosity Nano x1

4.4.1 Code Configurator Setup

Note: This tutorial was originally written for MCC Classic. MCC “Melody” has a slightly updated interface, but most of the instructions here should still apply. Please be patient as we update the instructions, and let us know if you find inconsistencies.

  1. Under Device Resources, find Ext_Interrupt under Device Resources.

  2. Add EXT_INT module to Project Resources.

  3. From Curiosity Nano Hardware User Guide, we know that the onboard mechanical switch (SW0) has been routed to pin RC2. When the mechanical switch (SW0) is pressed, it will drive the RC2 to the ground (GND).

  4. Under Project Resources, open Pin Module and Pin Manager: Grid View

  5. Lock Port C - Pin 2 to GPIO - Input and EXT_INT.

  6. Check the WPU box for Pin RC2. This will configure a Weak Pull-up (WPU) to Pin RC2. The WPU will keep the Pin RC2 as logic High.

    A simplified schematic for WPU configuration with RC2 and SW0.

  7. You can also rename the IO_RC2 to SW under the Custom Name column.

    Giving a custom name (SW) to pin RC2

  8. Now double click the EXT_INT under the Project Resources.

  9. Since the SW0 will drive the Pin RC2 to logic low (GND) when it’s being pressed, we will need to Change Edge Detection to falling edge. In this case, an external interrupt will generate when the SW0 is pressed.

    Setting the Edge Detection to Falling Edge
    Setting the Edge Detection to Falling Edge

  10. Click the Generate button to generate code for the External Interrupt module.

4.4.2 Push Button Interrupt Setup

  1. Go back to Project, you should be able to see ext_int.h, interrupt_manager.h, ext_int.c, and interrupt_manager.c have been generated.

  2. Open “pin_manager.h”, scroll down and you can find the macros for SW (Pin RC2). The macro SW_GetValues() is the one that can get the input state (either logic High or logic Low). We will use this macro to get whether the button is pressed or not.

    SW_GetValues() // Macro for knowing the input state of SW0 (Pin RC2) 
  3. Open “ext_int.c”. You can find a couple of predefined functions that related to interrupts that Inside the “ext_int.c.”

  4. Include the “mcc.h” at the beginning of the “ext_int.c.” In this case, we can utilize the Breathing LED code.

    #include "mcc.h" //include “mcc.h” to “ext_int.c”

    Include header file “mcc.h” to “ext_int.c”

  5. Scroll down the “ext_int.c”, and you can find there’s a custom function named INT_DefaultInterruptHandler.

    You can write the code for your interrupt inside this function.

  6. Now, we want to know the push button (SW0) whether it is being pressed or not. Once the SW0 is being pressed, the MCU will detect the input of the RC2 has been driven to logic Low. This will create an interrupt and will run the code inside the INT_DefaultInterruptHandler.

  7. Copy the following code and paste them inside the INT_DefaultInterruptHandler.

                                          // check the SW0 is being pressed or not
        if (SW_GetValue() == 0)           // if the SW0 is in logic Low (pull to GND)
            //Now Blink the LED
            for (int i = 0; i<1024; i++)  // increase duty cycle to 100%
            for (int i = 1023; i>= 0; i--)  // decrease duty cycle to 0%

    ISR code for INT_DefaultInterruptHandler function.

4.4.3 Enable Interrupt Services

  1. The last step is to enable the interrupt services for the microcontroller.

    Go back to Main.c, uncomment following code that inside the main function:

                                            //Enable the Global Interrupts
    INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable();      //Uncommented
                                            // Enable the Peripheral Interrupts
    INTERRUPT_PeripheralInterruptEnable();  //Uncommented

    Enable Interrupt Service at Main.c

  2. Click the Hammer button ( ) to compile the project. If you see “Build Successful”, then you can flash the program to the microcontroller by clicking the Run main project button ( .)