Connecting to the PSoC

Q: Help! My computer won’t connect properly to the PSoC. (insert one of several error messages here - KitProg version not expected, upgrade the firmware)

A: Try updating the firmware on the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit.

  1. In Windows, open the PSoC Programmer application
  2. Plug the Pioneer Kit into your computer via USB. It should appear on the left hand side of the window under Port Selection.
  3. Select the programmer, click the Utilities tab, and click Upgrade Firmware
  4. Wait for it to complete and try to use it again.
  5. Other ideas:
    • Unplug the device and plug it back in
    • Restart PSoC Creator
    • Restart computer
    • Try a different USB cable. (The cable that came with your kit is a special USB power + data cable. Many phone charger cables only provide power).
    • Try a different computer

Q: I get a message saying “Debug Target does not match/is not compatible with project's selected device”

  • Unplug the board
  • Find the onboard toggle switch and flip it (it should not be on BLE)
  • Plug the board back in to see if it is resolved
  • In PSoC Creator, right-click on the project in the workspace explorer and choose “Device Selector”. Make sure CY8C4147AZI-S475 is selected. (Or, rebuild your project from scratch making sure to choose the correct device at the beginning).

Q: How do I fix “The selected debug target is not compatible with the projects selected device” error (or other errors indicating that the template does not match your PSoC)?

A: On your projects right click the active (BOLD) project. Choose Device Selector… from the contextual menu.

Select Project
Select Project

Select Device Selector
Select Device Selector

Then, look on the PSoC® BLE module and find the device ID printed in small white characters below the chip. It should look like CY8C424XXXXX-XXXXX, where the XXX’s are specific to your PSoC® BLE module. Then, find this device ID in the Device Selector list and select it.

Device ID
Device ID