ASU PCB Fabrication Process

How are PCBs fabricated at ASU?

The following video shows our PCB manufacturing process.

Video by Peralta Engineering Studios

How do you prepare and submit Cadence PCB design for fabrication?

  1. Label the PCB design with the details required to identify and recognize your board (see assignment specifics)(required for manufacturing)

  2. Run a Design Rules Check and fix any errors identified

  3. Export Gerber files for all required layers:

    • Top copper layer
    • Bottom copper layer
    • Top solder mask layer
    • Bottom solder mask layer
    • Board outline layer
    • Silkscreen layer (top or bottom, but not both) - See assignment-specific requirements
    • Drill file


  4. (not required, not currently working) Run a Design for Manufacturing check and fix any errors identified with the DFM Checking Tool (Not In Service)

  5. Confirm that the size of your PCB is within the specification above using the measurement tools in your PCB Editor (cadence / kicad)

  6. Print a 1:1 (100%)-sized copy of your PCB design(Cadence | KiCad) and physically place all components on the printout to confirm that the footprints are correct. This is particularly important for ICs, connectors, and daughterboards.

  7. Zip all of your PCB files together in one ZIP folder with filename, where ### is your team number.

    4. Drill.drl
    7. (we want this submitted but may not use it, see assignment specifics)
    8. (we want this submitted but may not use it, see assignment specifics)
  8. Submit your files at Include the following information in the request details:

    • Professor and class
    • Quantity of boards (only 1 allowed per design; exceptions allowed with professor approval)
    • Solder mask needed? (only allowed for final board designs)
    • Rub out area needed? If yes, specify location. (Pro tip: Rub out copper underneath antennas)
    • Copper thickness (0.5, 1, or 2 oz/ft^2)
    • You must also attach the following files to your request:
      1. ZIP of your Gerber files created above
      2. (not required, not currently working) PDF of the results of the DFM Checking Tool(Not In Service)
  9. You will receive an emails from the Poly Lab Request Notification System indicating the acceptance of the job and when your PCB is ready to be picked up. If you are interested in learning about and being a part of the fabrication process with the LPKF mill, please see one of the staff members in PRLTA 109. If you have any questions, please contact

  10. After receiving your PCB, make sure to do a continuity test on all traces and vias before adding parts and soldering.