Altium Resource List

Quick-Start Tutorial from Altium

This video provides excellent resources for starting a project, creating a schematic, and selecting symbols from the manufacturers, similar to Cadence and their Ultra Library. They then made the PCB from that schematic. Lastly, they also showed how to create the Gerber Files and have the project ready to manufacture.

Official Instructions to Create a Custom Schematic Symbol from Altium

Here, it shows how to create libraries and a symbol on a very surface level, which is great for information. However, I recommend the following video showing how to make a custom symbol from scratch so students can understand better how to work the program.

Tutorial to Create a Symbol and Library

This video shows a better example of creating a custom symbol and how to assign the types of pins (if they are Input, Outputs, or just power) and the pins designation to facilitate the process of making the footprints. They also show how to include the part's datasheet, making it easier to find the documentation without googling it.

Tutorial to Create a Footprint for a Custom Symbol

This is a continuation of the previous video, which shows how to create a footprint of the custom symbol, attach the footprint to the symbol, and include a 3D model for better visualization.

Sharing the Design/Workspace from Altium

This official documentation shows students how to share it with their teammates and the teaching team. This allows the students to work on the schematics or PCB from different computers without the issue of downloading and uploading files to the cloud so that students can work on it one at a time. In addition, they can share the link of the workspace via Canvas so the professors and graders can open the project and grade it without the concern of students not uploading their libraries.

Symbol Wizard Video from Altium

This video correctly shows how to use Symbol Wizard to create the symbols faster and how to edit them in case they need an extra touch to finish the stuff that the software could not.

Footprint Wizard Video from Altium

Similar to the video above, this one shows how to properly use the Footprint Wizard tools by just following simple steps and facilitating the process for the project to the students.